2007년 10월 1일 월요일

6th Class(Tue. 10.2) - Summary and Comment after class about "Distinguishing between kinds of new media" and "Digitality(the feature of new media)"

* Today's summary *

We've learned what new media are over two weeks. Today, We learned how we can distinguish between kinds of new media. After that, We met new theme which was the characteristics of new media. The first characteristic was 'digitality'.

* Today's my comment *

※ The kinds of new media are classified according to 3 ways:
1. New textual experiences
Communication with other world could be possible by text in real-time. I think these changes of text from book or newspaper are important.
2. New ways of representing the world
In old times and now, people use painting or photograph to represent the real world. And These days, we can experience VR(Virtual Reality). The ways of representing the world have been changing to the three-dimensional representation but I believe the plane representation won't disappear because of the pleasure of imagination.
3. New Relationship between subject and media

※ New theme : Digital!!
1. What does digital mean?
Digital is that the physical properties are changed to binary numeric forms. So Digital need sampling, Quantization and Encoding.
2. The differences of Analogue and Digital
Analogue is the continual thing and Digital is the discerte thing.

People think Digital media of New media because of the rapid growth of computer technology but I think Digital is a kind of New media because People represent their thought by using Digital like computer.

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