2007년 9월 26일 수요일

5th Class(Thu. 9.27) - Summary and Comment after class about "Non-technical and inclusive" concepts of "New"

"Motivation to generate culture"

We are learning about 'New' and 'New Media' from last week. Today we learned 'Non-technical and inclusive' concepts of 'New'. This concept is new character of new media.

Most People think Digital media is New media but That is a slice of it. I thought Digital is also kind of medium(media).

Today's main subject is that 'New' media include everything. Old people used 'pure medium' that is used to original use ranges to hold down categorized compartment like feudal society. After that some people tried to use different purpose from the original. They called it 'intermedium'. Today pure medium and intermedium have been integrated to "New Media".

I thought like this after class. "Stop contending what pure medium is and what intermedium is, then Open the horizen of new culture with New Media".

2007년 9월 21일 금요일

4th Class(Thu. 9.20) - Summary and Comment after class Thinking of 'NEW'

We had time to think of meaning of 'NEW' and watched DVD named da Vinci's Project made by KBS in class. New has the meaning of 'betters', 'Cutting-edge', 'forward-thinking' etc. I think 'new' is better, more state-of-the-art than 'old' because it has the character of exploration to unknown world.
After discussion on New, We watched DVD about European viewpoint on Art. The title is 'da Vinci's project'. I saw Europeans who are trying to combine 'art' and 'science' and importance of Art education. I think that Children receive various education and must not be hemiplegia of education.

2007년 9월 18일 화요일

3rd Class(Tue. 9.18) - Summary and Comment after class learning roughly about New Media and history of New Media

We learned Old media through New Media, especially about history of Media. 'Media' is plural noun and plural of 'medium'. Professor accounted for 'medium' by using a case. In old times, People painted using pouder and needed to use the white of an egg in order to paint on the wooden part or cotton. In here, We can even think of the white of an egg as a medium. These days We have an understanding that things like newspaper, TV are medium or Mass media. Therefore We call 'medium' or 'media' things that can let us communicate.

New Media appeared approximately 1960s. A few World War ended, A Cold War was Started. Decentralization of established and centralized geo-political orders was started after imperialism disappeared. So People wanted diversity of culture and philosophy etc and saw many changes because of many immigrants. New media was created in this stream. The invention of computer had New media developed much faster.

2007년 9월 10일 월요일

2nd Class(Tue 9.11) - Comment after class titled Background and history of media aesthetics

we learned what art is and aesthetics is roughly. People started thinking of Art from western Philosophy. Eastern doesn't have many assets of art and philosophy. That's the part we have to grow.
Professor introduced many scholars from Plato(Socrates) to Derrida and what they thought. The aesthetics became a destination of new thinking instead of philosophy by Hegel.
A philosopher who gave me deep impression of many introduced philosopher is David Hume. He mentioned concepts of 'taste', 'perception', 'cognition'. I understood Perception is a kind of emotion that you can feel after recognition and Cognition is the phase of recognition(perception).
I thought I need a quiet attitude for understanding philosophy and art and knowledge to persuade people who try to deny 'New Media' after class.

2007년 9월 4일 화요일

1st Class(Tue. 9.4) - Sentiments after watching two video clips

I just saw two videos that have been linked in our class's webpage. First video is 'the truly soft side of software' that is filmed by Golan Levin at Feb 2004. Golan Levin is software engineer and I think he's English or lives in England because he said that you can visit me in Chelsea.
He uses mouse and pen on touch pad. His performance is called "Scribble". He scribbles then some sound comes out.
I heard bounce sound in the most part of the beginning. Things that looks like a cell or Blood vessel was seen.
In the middle part of the video, I saw and heard an adventure of a glimmer with some wind sound like a whistling sound. his adventure lets me think space wandering of Dooli who is a hero in a cartoon film.
In the last part of the video, I saw gradually more and more glimmers. I thought that is the course of finding friends in human society.

Second video is 'the Glove' that is made by Beer and Smokes and Mark Walling Film. But it was too much stopped repeatedly and finally video was stopped ever. So I couln't see the whole of the video. I only saw 3 minutes. In the first of the video, a skeleton moved and found some roads in a maze colored by red background. After that, a guy visited a place where looks like a store. visitor gave a parcel to store owner and the parcel was bright.
I couldn't see the whole video and know this video's story. But I want to know this story, so later I will try to see 'the Glove' again.

1st Class(Tue. 9.4) - First Class of Media aesthetics

I made this blog on Tuesday and am in.